The Solution of Disk Malfunctions in Industrial Tablet Computers

Industrial tablet computer after a long time of use, a lot of dust in the box, the box temperature is high. At this time, it is easy to cause disk faults, which can be divided into the quality of the disk itself and the fault caused by the working environment.

First, long working time of industrial tablet computer: because of the need for normal production, the industrial control system of some factories needs to work for a long time, which brings a great test to the operating system of industrial tablet computer. According to Microsoft’s operating systems running time in the report shows that Microsoft has claimed the Windows 2000 operating system can support after working for a long time, but look from actual operation, after operation for more than a week, disk in the process of huge data exchange, will accumulate a lot of bits of data, easy to cause the disk logical bad word, read/write error and system running, and start slowly.

Solution: If the production of industrial tablets allows, the restart of industrial tablets and disk defragmentation can be carried out regularly to reduce disk errors caused by long-term work. Restart time can be determined by the amount of data processed by industrial tablets and the production situation. It is not a rigid requirement and needs to be determined according to the specific situation. In general, a standard monthly (30 days) reboot and tidy up of an industrial tablet will reduce the chance of disk errors.

Second, The internal temperature of industrial tablet is too high: in the environment requiring long-term high-temperature operation, the components of industrial tablet are prone to aging and the frequency of hard disk failure will also increase. This will require a factory automation system maintenance personnel in the daily inspection, pay close attention to case temperature, try to keep the temperature of the industrial tablets between 10 to 30 degrees Celsius, too high, too low temperature are not suitable for hard disk protection, if the case reach 30 degrees Celsius temperature, the temperature of the internal hard drive will reach 40 degrees or more.

Solution: We can simply optimize our industrial tablet to lower the ambient temperature. 1. Replace the high-power CPU and disk fan (the disk fan should be fixed and not installed on the disk firmware to prevent disk vibration caused by the rotation of the fan) to speed up heat dissipation. 2. Install a fan for cooling outside the chassis to increase air convection; 3. Install a small axial flow fan on the cabinet where the industrial tablet computer is placed; 4. Air conditioning is installed in the control room to reduce the space temperature.

Third, the environmental humidity is not suitable: the key of the industrial tablet computer is composed of many electronic components of the integrated circuit, its insulation performance has a great relationship with the environmental humidity. The humidity is too high, it is easy to cause the circuit board short circuit and burn; If the humidity is too low, it is easy to generate static electricity and break down some electronic components. Therefore, the humidity is too high, too low, will bring potential risks to the industrial tablet.

Solution: In the static electricity protection problem, the industrial tablet computer must have good grounding measures. Warm tips, the grounding of industrial tablet computer is different from the lightning protection grounding of civil construction. The grounding and site selection should be three meters away from the control room and 1700mm under the outdoor floor.

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